Of All Kinds of Missions, Why Church Planting?
God's Plan A for the re-creation of the world, for the healing of our lives, for the transformation of our cultures, is the Church. He honors it with the name, "The Body of Christ," and with good reason. The Church─in its many different forms─functions as the basic network through which God does much of His kingdom work in the world.
At the core of the Church, you find "two or more gathered in the name of Jesus." We serve a Triune God who is eternally caught up in the joy of a three-in-one relationship. Being made in His image, we too crave relationship as the most basic expression of what it means to be human. Relationship formed around worshiping the name of Jesus─that's the Church!
We believe that church planting is the most effective means of putting legs to the prayer, "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven." By sharing Jesus and planting a church, we ignite a network for sharing Jesus with many more people than our field workers could ever reach on their own.
And, we create a social foundation, a group, a leadership structure, that can tackle every other kind of problem with the strength of unity and community. The Church has a biblical calling to care for the orphan, the widow, and the poor, and to seek the transformation of the surrounding culture and society. Together, a group of Christians can accomplish much for the glory of God!
Church planting is the most direct way to fulfill the Great Commission. We are about making disciples who mentor each other into making more disciples! It's growth by multiplication rather than addition. Church planting movements sweep through whole people groups under local leadership. Where the Church is growing the fastest and most effectively producing active, outreaching disciples, this is how it's happening.