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Syrian Refugees: "Jesus Spoke to Me in a Dream!"

Hara is a Syrian widow with 5 kids. They fled the country seven months ago to escape the violence. They're struggling to survive as they deal with heart-breaking losses.


Two weeks ago, she asked, "Will you tell me more about Jesus? I've been reading about him in the book you gave me (the Bible). I want to know more about him!" We shared, and she grinned as she listened to the stories. Later, she had a dream: "I saw the Messiah! He looked deep into my eyes and said, 'I want what is rightfully mine.' What do you think it means?" We prayed with her that God would show her the meaning of the dream. "He's showing me He wants to renew and refresh my heart!" she said.


A few days later, we visited again and told the story of Jesus calming the storm. They felt so encouraged that God will protect us if we have faith, just like Jesus did for the disciples. Hara asked us for another Bible--she's already given hers away to a cousin who's curious about Jesus, too.


We're seeing an incredible openness among Syrians about Jesus. Based on the reports from people on the ground, we believe God is sparking something historic in the Arab world. He is bringing many, many people to Jesus in stunning ways!


You Can Help! Respond to the Syrian Crisis by Showing God's Love!


We often read such negative stories on the news, unsure of how God wants us to respond to global events. Here's your chance! Sponsor one of the Syrian families we are visiting: show Christ's love in this golden opportunity to share the gospel! We're looking to raise funds for 330 survival kits. Donate $30 to sponsor a survival kit for one family. Show God's love to Syrian refugees!

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