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Go to Unreached and Unengaged People Groups!

Make a Lasting Impact on the Edge of History

One third of the world--the "unreached"--has no access to hearing about Jesus at all in their lifetimes. These are the "unreached." Those groups that also have no one actively attempting to share Jesus with them are also considered "unengaged." In the information age we experience in the West, it's hard to believe that one out of every three people has no way in their environment to find out about Jesus. The reality is that most unreached people groups live in the 10/40 window, often in creative access countries.


At All Nations, we have a goal to share Christ with 30 new unreached, unengaged groups over the next few years. If you have a heart to share Jesus with those who have never heard, we'll train you, send you, and care for you pastorally through every step of your project. Let's begin a dialogue about where you'd like to serve and who you'd like to reach. To learn more about unreached people groups, visit Joshua Project or Finishing the Task. Talk to use about reaching one of these groups!

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